mother of three and military wife, foodie and coffee lover

Arriane Lay 

My love of photography began in 1996 when I found an old samsonite bag containing all of my Nana's photographs. They were sadly ruined during a hurricane but I'll never forget the feeling of looking through those treasures! At 11, my mom started buying me disposable cameras.

I started documenting my motherhood life when my first baby was born in 2014. That's when I started toying with the idea of becoming a professional photographer for other families. Lay Photography was officially founded in 2022.

back story

I am a lover of coffee and drink loads of it while I edit your photos. I am a wanna-be minimalist with a love for thrifting. I'm always admiring the skies and saying "look at the pretty light."

mom, wife, daughter • artist

about me